Slides scanned to files
Complete pricing below.
35 mm slides have a viewable image of 23 x 34 mm in a typical cardboard or plastic slide mount. 35 mm color slide film became readily available with the introduction of Kodachrome 1935. 35 mm film is sometimes called 135 according to the 3-digit film numbering convention. Ektachrome was introduced in the 1940’s and responds well in ambient (low) light levels. The film is 35 mm wide and has an image area of 782 mm2.
GreentreeAV thanks for the great work transferring our VHS and Umatic tapes to h264.mp4 files on flash drive and scanning our Slides to tiff files on Flash Drive. Best,
Tom PA Pennsylvania 16136
Your package arrived yesterday. I am thrilled beyond words. Everything is packed beautifully. We are watching the [35mm] slideshow and it brought back wonderful memories. Your work is outstanding to say the least! thanks again.
Joann Lakeland, Florida FL 33813
Thank you for making my 35mm SLIDE SHOW DVDs so easy to use. I love the way they fade in and off the screen. I have been so anxious for my brother and his wife to see them. Thank you for all the kindness you have extended to me,
We were very excited to see the slidshow. Awesome work! Music is great! Love everything. An important part of our lives. Thanks so much for doing such a fine job. I have referred a friend to you who also has slides. Thanks again.
Mary Pennsylvania PA 15009
Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into helping us with these [35mm] slides. The DVD is wonderful. Mom is beside herself with satisfaction, she was impressed with every aspect of your work including the professional DVD labeling. I was astonished at the Hi-Resolution pictures. [This is] a chance to focus on something other than the pain [of her illness]. I am so grateful to be sharing this with her. A very personal thank you,
GreentreeAV thanks for the great work transferring our VHS and Umatic tapes to h264.mp4 files on flash drive and scanning our Slides to tiff files on Flash Drive. Best,
Tom PA Pennsylvania 16136
Thanks so much [slide transfer to tiff & jpeg files on flash drive]. You did such a great job!
Alexandria New York 11104
Slide Type | Mount Size | Film Opening Size |
35mm Slide | 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) | 23mm x 34mm |
35mm 'Half' Slide | 2 x 2-inch mount | 18mm x 24mm |
126 Slides | 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) | 28mm x 28mm |
110 Slide film | 2 x 2 inch (1 x 1 inch) | 12mm x 16mm |
127 'Super' Slide film | 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) | 38mm x 38mm or 40mm x 40mm or 46mm x 46mm |
Example Slide Brand Names
Agfa, Agfachrome 35mm slides.
COLOR transparencies, nation-wide processing.
Dynachrome transparency 35mm, Dynacolor, New York.
Ektachrome 3M Dynacolor - known to turn red over time
Kodachrome - good color retention, processed by KODAK.
Kodak Kodachrome, 35mm slides, Eastman Kodak, Rochester NY.
Trans-globe processing.
Wondercolor 35mm slides.
Trans-globe processing.